Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Josh planted a bird garden, that is a flower garden to entice the birds into our yard. Not that they need much more enticement than the seed he has been leaving out for them everyday lol. Posted by Hello He has been reading the book Birds in your Backyard by Robert J. Dolezal to get an idea of the kinds of flowers he wanted. Great book! So, yesterday morning with book in hand off we went to Home Depot to browse amongst the flowers. He ended up with Evergreen Candytuft, Lanal Cherry Red Verbena, mix of Celosia plumosa, Gazania, Marigold Safari Tangerine, Festuca Glauca, and Buddleia dividii (Butterfly Bush). He also planted seeds of Columbines and Purple Coneflowers. He and his dad are going to build a bird house and bird feeder to add to the garden. The other day at the used bookstore we found another bird book (notice a theme here lol) for him that he has been buried in ever since. It is called All The Birds of North America and is an American Bird Conservancy Field Guide. It seems confusing to me the way it is based upon feeding behaviors and field recognizable features but Josh is not having a problem at all in using it. He especially likes that they show both genders of the bird and also the juveniles. We are noticing a difference between books using drawings versus actual photographs. Going through the various books we now have I have been going back and forth on whether or not one bird that keeps visiting is a house finch or a hepatic tanager. Being new at this identification stuff I don't have complete confidence yet but am pretty sure it is a tanager. Very pretty too! From marine biologist to ornithologist Josh is changing and growing each day. :)


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