Learning going on at our house...

thanks to promptings from a great post on Theresa's homeschooling blog, Lapazfarm Home Learning. (a link is on the sidebar) I was having fun reading from her site (as I often do) and she mentioned finding the map The Earth at Night from an old National Geographic (Nov,2004) . That find brought on some great dialogue with her children as they explored the map. Well, I began to go through a pile of some of our own old National Geographics. Don't you just love these. We get alot of our's used for a dime each at our library :) Lo and behold there was THE map. As I opened it up and began looking at it Josh turned off the NHL playstation game he had been playing, joined me on the floor and for the next 45 minutes or so we became a part of the earth at night. As Theresa said in her own post many questions were contemplated and answers mused on. Our own contemplations even included a birding one (of course Josh ALWAYS finds a way to relate his passion to anything lol)
It felt so nice just sitting on that floor together.
Thanks for a gentle nudge in that direction Theresa.

Hooray! Reading that really warmed my heart.Is there some way learning can always be this natural and easy? In a perfect world it would be.
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