latest birding news
Just wanted to share on this blog for those that don't read our birding blog.
Josh and I have been having a great time birding our area lately. We have been able to add to his life list with new birds of wood duck (both male and female), bufflehead, and american wigeon, ross's goose, and wild turkeys.
In our own neighborhood park we have new birds that have come in such as the white-crowned sparrow, brewers blackbird, ruby-crowned kinglets, and yellow-rumped warblers.We have even had western meadowlarks there a few times. We still have our regulars such as the verdins, great-tailed grackles, rock and mourning doves, house finches and house sparrows as well as the anna's hummingbirds.
This morning we saw a female summer tanager which was very unusual for this late in the season.
Our best sighting has happened during this last week, a Northern Parula! We saw this on Nov. 7th and then again this morning during our walk. This is a bird that is listed as being a rare vagrant migrant for our area. Because of this I was a little skeptical of Josh's id the first time. This morning there is NO doubt in my mind that Josh NAILED this id. What an amazing bird! I have to also say what an amazing kid I have :) He seems to have a natural talent as well as a passion for this wonderful thing called "birding" and I am blessed to be able to share this with him.
Josh and I have been having a great time birding our area lately. We have been able to add to his life list with new birds of wood duck (both male and female), bufflehead, and american wigeon, ross's goose, and wild turkeys.
In our own neighborhood park we have new birds that have come in such as the white-crowned sparrow, brewers blackbird, ruby-crowned kinglets, and yellow-rumped warblers.We have even had western meadowlarks there a few times. We still have our regulars such as the verdins, great-tailed grackles, rock and mourning doves, house finches and house sparrows as well as the anna's hummingbirds.
This morning we saw a female summer tanager which was very unusual for this late in the season.
Our best sighting has happened during this last week, a Northern Parula! We saw this on Nov. 7th and then again this morning during our walk. This is a bird that is listed as being a rare vagrant migrant for our area. Because of this I was a little skeptical of Josh's id the first time. This morning there is NO doubt in my mind that Josh NAILED this id. What an amazing bird! I have to also say what an amazing kid I have :) He seems to have a natural talent as well as a passion for this wonderful thing called "birding" and I am blessed to be able to share this with him.
How wonderful for Josh to have picked up a hobby that can last him a lifetime.
Most of the birds you mention I have never even heard of!But I guess being Easterners we get a whole different mix.
We had a Carolina wren fly into our house today-one of my favorite birds-not rare, but soooo cute! Anyway, it reminded me of you guys and so I checked your blog to see what you were up to. What a coincidence that you had just added the birding post at about the same time we were chasing that wren around our house!
We had Cardinals making a nest in our hydrangeas right outside our schoolroom window, but I think the cat scared them off and they have abandoned that site. Boo. Sometimes I wish we didn't have cats, but they do keep the mice out of the horse feed, so...
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