Tuesday, September 13, 2005

the best laid plans

As we enter into our third week I have to keep reminding myself that homeschooling can be adaptable to anything including medical crisis in a family. Last week as we were going merrily on our way in the second week of school, my oldest daughter ended up having a gallstone attack. Thus a day spent in the ER meant a lost day of organized studies. Sooo we did what most others do. We dropped some things, put off a few others and combined some with another day. Hey we are flexible right? Or so I keep trying to remind myself this week as I am up at 1:30 am getting my oldest son from his job. He is on night shift for the next three weeks and still not allowed to drive yet because of medical reasons. Tomorrow is doctor appt for my daughter and later surgeon appt and surgery hopefully sooner than her next attack. Oldest son needs blood work done this week also and in the next month we have sleep deprivation EEG, MRI and neurologist appt for him. Josh and I study in between all this. Thank goodness Josh is such a trooper through all this. He just wants to make sure to get a few birding trips in there when possible and is so looking forward to our local audubon group starting up their field trips again.

So study wise we have been:

- studying Einstein and the field of physics,
- reading The Numer Devil A Mathematical Adventure (which Josh is LOVING),
- reading Alice in Wonderland in connection with The Number Devil,
- reading bios - watching videos - and listening to symphonies of Beethoven,
- reading bios on Michelangelo and studying The Pieta,
- memorizing the poem we each chose of our poet Robert Frost as well as reading his bio -------- reading Nesbit's translation of Shakespeare's play Macbeth in preparation for attending his sister's high school's performance of said play,
- going on nature walks (which usually turn into birding lol) and making entries in our journals, - - reading My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George for our nature study literature
- doing spelling taking words from his writing which has included 2 Friday Freewrites and a descriptive paragraph of a nature walk
- Josh's own independent reading - right now he is re-reading Ken Kaufman's, Kingbird Highway for the second time. (this is a wonderful adult book about birding) as well as his usual studying of his bird guides of which he now has 3 I think

We try to stick to our days but as the title of this post suggests sometimes these have to be changed or combined. OK with us because as I look back over this list of just some of the things we have been doing it becomes apparent that we are learning even when the best laid plans.....


Blogger Theresa said...

You and me both!
I don't think we have had a single full week since we started this year and the next few look to be the same!
I am sorry to hear about all the medical issues with your children. That must add alot of worry in addition to the chaos.
It sounds like you and Josh are getting some good learning done despite it all. Sometimes day-to-day it doesn't seem like we are doing much, but when we look at the bigger picture it becomes more obvious that quite a bit of learning happens in our homes.

6:24 AM  
Blogger barbara said...

Thanks for the concern Theresa. Medical problems can sometimes get overwhelming in our house unfortunately. Part of the reason I think that homeschooling works well for us. It is easier to change our schedule than it would be if Josh was in school.

I like your statement about looking at the big picture. I will remind myself of this often because it's easy to lose sight in the day to day running of our lives.

If nothing else our children will learn to be flexible and have LOTS of life skills right :)

3:00 PM  
Blogger barbara said...


Great to see you here again. Hope everything is going well with you and your family. You'll have to let us know about your Audubon outing. Josh is constantly saying we need to go to Texas for a virding trip lol.

2:11 AM  

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