Thursday, March 23, 2006

Grandparenting - Today's style

Grandparenting - Today's Style
Maybe it's just me but this article really bothered me as I was reading it.

I am not a grandmother yet so can't speak from experience. I also understand the need for "me" time. I long for that too as a mother sometimes and try to find little "niches" just for me. Nothing wrong with that.

This article seemed to underscore the prevalent way we look at things in our society; things that people think are most important such as beauty, power, money all for ME. The ME generation continues on into a style of grandparenting.

Now don't get me wrong. Usually I try not to judge. My motto is "walk in their shoes" first. I am not making a judgment so much on the choices in their lives as I am just saddend that this is how we as humans look at relationships, epecially with our own grandchildren. I often lament the fact that in my own family one set of my children's grandparents have passed away without their getting to know each other and the other set isn't really involved with them on an intimate basis. I have promised my own children that I will be an "involved" Grandma and will proudly wear that name.

Call me old-fashioned if you wish. That's ok. I would whole-heartedly agree with you.


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