Friday, July 30, 2004

under a pile of papers

I am STILL trying to organize all my worksheets, lesson plans, etc.! I can't believe I have this much stuff. Lauren was teasing me that if I would throw out a few more things it would be a little easier. She says I hold on to everything. I don't think that's true.... well maybe just a little. I did come across some good stuff that I want Josh and I to use, so in the end, I guess this will be worth it. (at least I hope so LOL)

Josh made the Squirt AA travel team so that combined with all the hiking he does will take care of P.E. thank goodness.

I found some good ideas for a few books to read and a couple of activites to go along with them for the presidential election. He watched Edward's and Kerry's speech with us and gets involved in all the political talk that goes on in our house. Kate and I registered to vote here the other day. This should be really interesting to follow with Josh since we were learning about the Revolution last year and went into the Declaration and the branches and such. We'll see how much either of us remembers. He's got the better memory LOL and has to end up correcting me sometimes. I really think that because we discuss things so much that it why he tends to hold onto the information. In talking about things and telling back/sharing what he learns he "claims" the things he's learning about.

It's getting late and I'm bushed. I'll have to write more another time.


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