Today I went online to Ambleside's website to organize the subjects we follow using their suggestions. This is a free curriculum based on the philosophies of the 19th century educator, Charlotte Mason. This list includes:
School Year 2004-2005
Josh - 5th grade
Term 1
Shakespeare - The Taming of the Shrew
Plutarch - Crassus
Artist - Mary Cassatt
Composer - Antonin Dvorak (18880 Late Romantic)
Poet - Rudyard Kipling
Folksongs - Blow the Man Down
Nature Study - trees/insects/invertebrates
Term 2
Shakepeare - Much Ado About Nothing
Plutarch - Timoleon
Artist - Giotto and then Masacchio
Composer - Early Music/Medieval
Poet - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Folksongs - The Fish and The Sea
Nature Study - climate & weather
Term 3
Shakespeare - Othello the Moor of Venice
Plutarch - Aemillus Paulus
Artist - Homer and then Eakins
Composer - Aaron Copland and then George Gershwin
Poet - John Greenleaf Whittier and then Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Folksongs - Rhyme of the Chivalrous Shark
Nature Study - garden flowers & weeds
I divide up our studies into 3 terms. The first term runs from September to November, the second term from January to March and the third term from April to June. I do not follow Ambleside for History, Science, Math, or Language Arts. These I do on my own. In the beginning of each term I decide what topics we will cover during that term for each subject and then make out my weekly plans from there. I try to stay somewhat flexible and we generally end up covering pretty much everything we needed to by the end of the year. We use the summer months then as an informal review, mainly with math, writing and reading. Each of the subjects that I use Ambleside curriculum for generally will be visited once a week although if there is a special interest we will do another day. For instance, when we studied Plutarch's Pericles this past year, Josh was so enthralled by him he often ask for us to read on more than one day.
Much of what is used on Ambleside can be found online in the form of etexts. There is also a yahoo egroup for their curriculum which is awesome. A tremendous amount of support and ideas are shared. Charlotte Mason does have a christian base but as I do not practice any organized religion at this time I just leave out what may not apply to us.
During our formal studies terms, we generally take about 3 hours each day to cover what needs to be done. It's amazing the amount of work that can be done when you are one on one with a child. There are times too when his older brother and sister will particpate in a discussion or so which adds a wonderful dimension to our studies.
I'm hoping the link works. If not I will keep trying or end up having to yell for help from one of the kids. LOL